Category Archives: Recipe: Dinner

Combating Healthy Eating Intimidation-itis

Before my health journey began about 3 years ago, I thought vegans were coo-coo.   Tofu? Only for vegetarians.  Matcha tea?  A drink for hippity dippities.

I realize now that I had a bad case of Healthy Eating Intimidation-itis.

Have you heard of it?  You know, when something sounds like it can only be found in a health food store, you automatically assume it’s not for you?

I have been a relatively healthy eater my whole life.  But even so…healthy eating intimidation-itis was pervasive.  Tofu?  Tempeh? Fish oil? Intermittent fasting?  What the what??

But as a recovering Healthy Eating Intimidation-aholic, I am here to tell you that it is very simple to overcome this condition.  

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Homemade Tacos

Taco night.  What is better???

I don’t think I ever met a person who isn’t psyched for taco night!

As a mom, I love it for two reasons.  First, it’s dang delicious!  Second, it’s dang easy!!  All I need is that taco kit that has everything included (shells, seasoning and sauce), a pound of ground turkey (or beef), and toppings like shredded cheddar, avocado, lettuce and tomatoes.

Complete dinner in 20 minutes.

All good, right?

Not really.  I always knew in my heart that there IS a price we pay for this convenience but I kind of sort of shoved it aside and held my ears and said “la la la la” whenever the thought popped into my mind!

Buzz kill alert:

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neat: A Healthy Replacement for Meat

I want to preface this post by letting you know that I do not receive any type of compensation for writing about specific food products.  I am always trying new, healthy foods and get so excited when I find ones I love and want to report back to you and give you the scoop!

I am not a vegetarian.  Yes, I love vegetables and eat tons of them, but I still enjoy meat sometimes too.  That said, since I don’t make meat the ‘star’ of every meal, I like finding delicious alternatives.

Enter neat– a healthy replacement for meat.

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Turkey Sloppy Joes

I have to share this recipe with you.  Why?  Because my son LIVES for it.  He literally gives me the biggest “YES!!!!” when I tell him that we are having it for dinner.  And for me, there are few things more satisfying than having my children love the food I cook!

I also like this recipe because it has carrots in it, and as you know, I am a HUGE fan of including vegetables in your diet….LOTS OF EM!

I usually serve this with a side of broccoli, and I actually serve the meat on TOP of the broccoli for myself if I’m in a ‘not eating bread’ mode. (Or I’ll have half a bun with the meat and then have some more on top of the broccoli.)

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