Tag Archives: fats

Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookies Get a Makeover

I can’t remember the last time I baked with vegetable oil or white flour or white sugar.  Why? Because the main reason I bake is so that my family has slightly less of a chemical concoction for dessert than the typical store bought items.

You see, we are a dessert family.  Without fail we have dessert every night after dinner. That’s what was done in my home growing up,* and I think it is actually part of my DNA .  I CANNOT go to sleep without eating dessert.

Sometimes it’s Justin’s Peanut Butter Cups. Sometimes it’s ice-cream. Sometimes it’s 16 Handles.  Sometimes it’s Whole Foods Organic Chocolate Chip Cookies or Milanos or Newman-O’s.

Even the ‘healthier’ desserts out there are filled with crap.  Milanos?  Hydrogenated soybean and/or cottonseed, soy lecithin and vegetable oils.  Newman O’s?  A little better – only soy lecithin.  Justin’s Peanut Butter Cups?  Even better – the soy lecithin is organic – but organic or not, still not good. (Click here to find out why soy lecithin isn’t good.)

So what is my point here?

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The Skinny on Fats

I’m having deja vu. There are so many debated issues when it comes to nutrition and it can be so exhausting!  Just recently I discussed the varying opinions on soy because I wanted my questions answered once and for all. Well, now I feel the same way about fats and oils. What is the deal? Are saturated fats bad or not? What about canola oil? Vegetable oils?

Once again I wanted to clear up my confusion and set out to do my due diligence. I have to say that there is enough material on the topic to write a book!

As you can imagine, there are many varying opinions, so I can’t present you with definitive right or wrong conclusions.

That said, just like in my soy findings, there are certain themes that are repeatedly confirmed, and THESE are what I am going to talk about in today’s post.

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